Sun - Dec 19
*Abdullah Shamseddine, editor in chief of Al-Manar news, told The Daily Star the French action was based on a legal issue, "while the U.S. decision is bluntly a political decision against our media organization."
[ ... ]
"[In France] The damage is merely political," he added. "Viewers can still watch via NileSat and by adjusting their dishes, receive our signal. The same applies to South American countries."
According to Al-Manar officials, the damage in the U.S. is technical and political.*
:: By Adnan El-Ghoul, The Daily Star LB ::
+ Not so, as Faithful Readers of this blog so well know.
There have been two legal precedents already established on this issue.
The first was the case of Jules Streicher at the Nuremberg Tribunals. And the second involved Media executives for a Rwanda radio station and newspaper. I have previously cited the Missouri/NY Times source to document this.
DeNial is not just a river in Egypt . . .