Mon - Jan 10 -
Abbas Kadhim has another essay in this past weekend's edition of Al-Ahram.
He begins by characterizing the American military presence in Iraq as "one of the worst imperialist adventures in recent history."
"It all began," he says and then proceeds to unfurl a truly wicked pack of lies.
The chain of events at hand began with the mass murder of three thousand of my neighbors on 9/11.
Nor is this any sort of "imperialism."
Saddam Hussein was a War Criminal who violated several counts of the Nuremberg Bill of Indictment. We had every legal right to forcibly remove him, which we did, and to forcibly reconstruct the Iraqi government, which we are doing. End of story.
Kadhim's essay is the reflection of a thoroughly amoral personality in which no distinction is drawn between fact and fantasy. His essay is populated by imaginary villains of his own creation who are never named because if he named them, they could successfully
sue him.
If Mr Kadhim despises America so much, what is he doing here?
I can only guess.
* * * * *
Yes, Kadhim has a right to express his opinion.
And I have a right to criticize it.
"The remedy for bad talk is more talk."
:: Looking back to look ahead ::
-- by Abbas Kadhim --
:: Abbas Kadhim Blog ::