Sunday, January 16

Sun - Jan 16 -


*Does the Radical Right "Born-again"
"Christian" crowd have pictures of you in
a compromising position with Satan???!!!*

The foregoing is an excerpt from some very funny messages evidently sent to FCC chief Michael Powell which were compiled and then posted on BuzzMachine.

How many other governments in the world tolerate impertinent feedback from its citizens? In some countries joking itself can result in a death sentence for blasphemy or some other crime.

Or someone like the State Security Police, if not vigilante death squads, can show up at your house, drag you outside, take you away so you disappear mysteriously, or simply put a bullet in your head.

But, fortunately, nothing like that will happen to you here in the U.S. in the 21st Century. Right?

Ever since the Salman Rushdie Riots in the streets of Manhattan, several years before the bombing of the World Trade "Twin Devil" Towers, the possibility of deadly reactions to people exercising their freedom of expression has grown, rather than diminished.

Although the remarks Jeff Jarvis reproduced on his weblog were cheeky, witty or facetious, all the news this weekend about people expressing themselves is not as funny as those. See next blog entry.

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