Tue - Jan 11 -
POTATO CHIP CRYPT... more on -
*Last week, Alhurra-- an Arabic-language television station that is funded by our government-- broadcast a taped interview with a terrorist named Moayad Ahmed Yasseen, the leader of Jaish Muhammad (Muhammad's Army). He was captured nearly two months ago in Fallujah during the liberation of the city...
Soldiers... came across the dead bodies of fighters from Chechnya, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Afghanistan, and so on...
We killed more than a thousand terrorists in Fallujah, and nearly an equal number surrendered, many of whom provided our military with useful information. Presumably Yasseen's information has been exploited before letting the Syrians and Iranians know that he has told us all about them.*
* * *
+ I don't know the sources of the author's information. And I must have missed the memo which he says was circulated around the Internet about what went on inside Fallujah. Or did I? I really don't remember reading an "inside" report. If I came across it, it couldn't have made much of an impression on me. Certainly, I don't remember encountering any mention of bodies being stored in a potato chip factory. This anecdote recounted by Ali (see entry below) has me a bit skeptical still. Due to the "Fog of War," I think it will take a while for some solid facts to emerge about the Fallujah situation.
:: From Circle Squared ::
-- By Michael Ledeen at NRO --