Thursday, April 13

Th Ap 13 -


Is changing the news anchor on the evening news really such a big deal? Some folks seem to think so. Two views on the appointment of Couric to the anchor desk at CBS TV follow.

First, I think Jeff Jarvis' take is spot-on:

*the reflex of media executives in our celebrity-based economy: Hire a star.*

So, could the candidate be a Ted Baxter, a Ron Burgandy or even a Simon Cowell?

Jane Whitney opines at the NY Observer:

*Network news can only be as good as the audience demands. And, these days, the audience... barely differentiates between a story on Entertainment Tonight and one on Meet the Press...

The average network news watcher is a myopic 59, so you’ll know Ms. Couric is making headway when the makers of V*agra, C*ntrum S*lver and other elixirs for the AARP set take their ad revenues elsewhere...*

She's partial to Simon Cowell.

As for myself, I don't think I'll be watching the CBS Evening News program as long as Couric is there. But I'm not in their desired demographic market niche anyway.
