Thursday, May 11

Th May 11 -


Jim Drinkard has a deceptively simplified disclosure of the White House Secret Service Visitors Log information requested by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act.

A hermeneutic exploration of the murky margin of ambiguity inherent in the "apparently incomplete" information reveals that the Hanukkah Fairy may have been at work here and/or non-interpersonal propinquity may have occurred. Huh???

There remain discrepancies and inconsistencies even yet. The issue still seems to lack resolution and closure. Perhaps, it defies the kind of certitude
being sought.

Art has form. If this were a novel, everything would have to fit neatly together. But because this is real life, there exists a window of ambiguity you could drive a Mack truck through. Thus, you are left to your own devices, as is often the case, to invent your own explanation or fill in that window with your own imaginative resources.

It must be a conspiracy; at least, if you are pre-inclined in that direction. Or String Theory could account for it; people co-existing in different dimensions while attending the same social event. Or, maybe, it's the old phone-in-the-shoe trick:
plausible deniability.

Does your brain hurt now? Try to
avoid breaking it over this story.

:: Drinkard: USA Today ::