Friday, June 16

Fr Jun 16 -

SoFlo Local:

Despite being put on notice recently that "South Florida is rapidly running out of a ready source of water," local authorities continue to approve the ever-expanding construction of an infinite number of luxury condo complexes.

Two local housing directors, Philip Goombs and Joe Kocy, have resigned. Did they get the impression that they were engaged in a futile endeavor?

Kocy was assigned to come up with and execute creative ways of tackling Broward County's affordable-housing crisis.

Goombs was the executive director of The Board of Commissioners in the Fort Lauderdale Housing Authority which is is a federally funded agency run by a board of commissioners appointed by the mayor. Its job is to help low-income people find affordable housing.

+ Why more and more luxury condo complexes? Perhaps the developers who build them contribute the politicians' campaign funds.

Is this situation out of control or what?

If all else fails, the luxury crowd can import all their water supplies from France.