Tu Aug 29 -
you can put some money
in the monkey's hat . . .
Good morning, dear reader.
Hurricane Ernesto is coming for lunch, they say. But first, a little Media news:
"Karim" is going to be our special opera guide for this production: A Visit by Kofi Annan.
Karim, who is somewhere in Lebanon, sends in this creepy dispatch describing some of the production notes for a piece of "spontaneous" street theater which may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you. An excerpt follows.
"Clap when Annan gets out of the car," they screamed to the women. The latter complied with "passion," raising the posters of Nasrallah. "Boo when Seniora appears," the Hezbollah's operators shouted... hoping the sympathizing translators and editors would make the right comments on BBC, CNN, and of course on al Jazeera, and by the next morning, the right articles will be printed in the New York Times, the Guardian and Le Monde.
And, at the end, the obligatory addendum we have come to expect as usual in these situations: "Interestingly as well, whenever the camera showed a journalist, especially with cameras, a Hizbollah militiaman was just few feet away." Yeah, we already know about that; we've heard about that from numerous reports. And his AK-AK gun was slung over his shoulder or maybe he was cradling it in his arms and periodly caressing it-- just in case you forget that he could aim it at you in just a few seconds and put some automatically repeating bullets in your head to make it look like an exploded melon. Ah, but who could forget... at this point.
OK, beat it now;
the monkey's dead
and the show is over!
:: Karim's Dispatch ::
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