Fr Dec 15 -
::::: Here and There -
The two local newspapers in South East Florida are somewhat behind many of the rest of the newspapers in the region to integrate with the internet. In some ways, Broward seems to suffer from "in-betweenism." Located between the Herald, based to the south in Miami (McClatchy), and the Palm Beach Post to the north in PB (Cox syndicate), Broward sometimes seems lost in its own Boosterism.
What's the brightest development in Florida newspapers lately?
From what I've seen this past
year, I would have to point to:
tbt* / Tampa Bay Times.
This is an offshoot of the St Petersburg Times. But don't go there for long-format coverage of serious issues explored in any great depth.
This pub is short and snappy. And there's something to be said for snappy, especially if many other neighboring newspapers are still lumbering along with much clunkier websites. It has a fresh look and a more youthful tone.
Although both the Herald and the Sentinel are hostile to local bloggers, the former is more low-keyed about it, whereas the latter is much more overtly outspoken about it. And yet, we see that there are new developments in newspapering cooking around here as in tbt, for example. So, both the Herald and the Sentinel may be swept along with the tide, even if they don't want to be. And, in the end, they may get dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century anyway.