Saturday, March 31

BOOKISH (5#) -

# Hiyah, Handsome! Harlequin Publishing Co is having trouble finding male book cover models with a manly, muscular, chiselled physique.

# John Freeman interviews Mohsin Hamid who wrote The Reluctant Fundamentalist. This is the "post-9/11" novel which takes place in Lahore, Pakistan. Coming soon. [CM]

# Books in the Army: "Books and having access to them means a great deal to Brian McNerney, a Lieutenant Colonel and public affairs officer in the US army for the past 25 years. Brian and a group of World War II veterans were the driving forces behind the development of a library at Camp Anaconda, a massive military logistics base in Balad, Iraq." [abe]

# Turning French literature into
"world literature" written in French. [IHT]

# Milo Books is publishing a rush
biography on Anna Nicole Smith
targeted at April 23rd. [TBS].
