Monday, July 16


# It was a pretty quiet weekend hereabouts,
during which, I watched Doctor Who.

We were treated to the episode called The Parting of the Ways. It was a very emotional episode with some striking special effects, though I've been using a small countertop B+W portable TV.

At the end there was a transformation of the main character. I'm going to miss Christopher Eccleston; I thought he did a tremendous job as The Ninth Doctor. But... on to the next Doctor!

# Blogomania: I recently came across an interesting Group Blog which is a combination of a Regional or Metro-based Blog with a Crime Theme focus and some contributing mystery writers:

The Outfit is a collective blog at which "An average of 7,500 readers per month find perspectives on everything from Chicago politics and corruption to education reform, architecture, crime and, of course, the writing life."

# And, finally, an interview with William Gibson whose new novel Spook Country is due for an August release. Warning: very tiny print here! I haven't read it yet; instead, I copied it to floppy and enlarged the typeface. You might want to enlarge it for your own convenience.
