Monday, August 20


An editorial cartoon in Friday's Florida Times-Union has generated public debate, some emotional reactions, and criticism.

The caption on the cartoon: "The new rule of Law!"

And a billboard in the background
carries the lyrics: "Rap your life away."

The cartoon shows a man holding a smoking gun with two children nearby saying, "I didn't see nuttin'." And the man with the gun responding: "Now that's a good little ho!"

Mike Clark, who approved the cartoon by Ed Gamble, said: "Using the word 'ho' was bad judgement, and I regret that I did not edit it out."

The NAACP's Isaiah Rumlin commented: "If an African-American had seen that before it was printed, it would not have been printed."

The newspaper's Readers' Ombudsman, Wayne Ezell, has responded, but the Tech Dept has not furnished any links online to the cartoon or to any previous stories about it - a glaring oversight for those who come in late to the debate.

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