Thursday, August 16


Some thoughts on
the Bob Allen Story . . .

I feel that at this point, I need to pause and say something serious about the way the Mainstream News Media in general has been covering this story.

Allen contended that he did not have $20 in his pockets or with him, and I have no reason to disbelieve him, so far. Unless the police play "dropsy" by dropping a $20 into his personal effects which they confiscated or doctor the evidence record post facto: there is no $20 and never was.

The trouble is that most of the MSM organizations are covering this story as Entertainment and not as News. Every time they recap the story they include the $20 as if it is a real fact - but without any substantiation of it.

By persistently repeating the $20, the Media is trying to reinforce the idea that a fictional or hypothetical $20 existed. That would be like offering a theoretical pot plant
in evidence.

The dog days of August tend to be slow for the kind of news which is usually targeted at their desired demographic, so they're making the most of this incident, I suppose.

Typical of the most popular narrative for this story, is the story arc which posits that Allen campaigned against public lewdness and that's why he's been "caught" at it. Simple cause and effect! Allen was opposed to public lewdness and therefore his opposition to public lewdness is what is destroying him. No, it doesn't make much sense.

And, so far, there was no public lewdness here. Just a conversational interchange between two adult men within a wheelchair-accommodating toilet stall designated for the disabled. No one else was there and no little kids would walk into this rather large toilet stall with a graphic symbol on its door of a wheelchair.

So, why should we care what these two men spoke about? Because $20 was being transferred. But if the $20 didn't exist, it couldn't have been transferred.

Indeed, the very existence of that $20 is just one of the troublesome problems with this story - unless you've lost the plot. And there are a lot of other problems, as well.

I am sharing these musings with you in order to raise your awareness of how this story is being manipulated by the Press. They are covering this story as Entertainment and not as News, and you should keep that in mind as you
follow it.

The next development in
this story is scheduled for August 23rd.
