Monday, August 6

Goose Creek Incident Update -

Ahmed Abda Sherif Mohamed's bond was set at $500,000 and Youseff Samir Megahed's was set at $300,000; they have been deemed flight risks. Mohamed is being described as a civil engineering graduate student.

Ahmed Bedier said someone from CAIR would accompany a family member to the bond hearing which was scheduled
for 3:30pm.

"The two men were pulled over for speeding Saturday night, and officers became suspicious when the men couldn't immediately say what they were doing in the area or where they were going."

A terrorism task force is still reviewing the contents of their car which included a laptop computer. My best guess: they have to get someone who reads Arabic to look at what's on their laptop.

They are being charged with "possession of an incendiary device." Court documents use the locution: "pipe bombs."

+ Blogger is not saving the formatting or links.
..... I've had to re-format and re-link 3 times over.

:: Timestamp on this report is 2:40pm ::

:: See also This Just In - 1:53pm perma ::
