Tuesday, October 30


Metromix: The Killing Machine -

The Tribune Co and the Gannett Co have
entered into a joint venture called Metromix.

Its focus is Leisure and Entertainment, which is the same niche currently served by many of the Alt Weeklies, especially the larger chains such as the New Times empire. Metromix is intended to go after the same advertisers and cannibalize that market niche.

"With this partnership, we can grow Metromix into a true national brand, adding value for advertisers who want to reach a highly desirable demographic."

Notice that they haven't mentioned any plans to provide any content between the ads. Nor are they planning to provide any value at all to the public - they're just planning to prey on us.

I believe Metromix is going to be received
with a lot of very intense hostility.

:: Ed & Pub ::
