Tuesday, October 23


# RiverBend just checked in with an entry
from her new location, linked below discussion.

Seems to me like she is in serious need of a portable radio for those lengthy waits involving red tape and bureaucracy. Listening to some music on such occasions makes them at least a little easier to get through.

Superficially, Life in Damascus may seem almost normal... but so did Life in "Argentina Nunca Mas" under that junta. I hope the censors in Syria don't start interfering with her.

Unfortunately, there are already indications
of them meddling with some other bloggers.

-- "Bloggers Without Borders" --
:: RiverBend perma ::

# Prof Walid Phares on Osama Bin Laden's
most recent (Eid) message, which was
broadcast on Al Jazeera TV:

"Almost as in a captivating movie, in about three hours, the master of al Qaeda had his message aired, the commentators were ready to make very focused analysis - of what it means - and leaders from inside Iraq [were] calling in and approving. The audio message was a few minutes long while the whole back and forth debate was a few hours long."

+ Sounds like a neatly wrapped up Media package. And it all just fell into place by chance. Fancy that! Or how could that have happened? Hmmm...

:: More from the Prof here.
