Saturday, November 10

FALLOUT: from the Bob Allen Case -

Florida, land of hanging
chads and reckless eyeballing?

With the movie Recount coming up and throwing a renewed spotlight on Politics as it's practiced in the state of Florida, isn't there going to be some spillover onto this case, too? Or could the Bob Allen Case develop into another Duke-type debacle?

Well, it's the Day After the verdict and what condition is our condition in? Not so hotsy-totsy. This is a case that isn't about to go away! At the very least, the politicians are threatening to throw some more spaghetti up against
the wall.

Prosecutors have announced that they intend to seek jail time for Allen, although he was convicted of only a second-degree misdemeanor. Isn't this a bit unusual? Don't they usually just issue you a ticket and tell you to mail in a check?

Allen's sentencing is scheduled for Thursday. His lead attorney, Greg Eisenmenger, said he would seek a new trial. ASA Pat Whitaker, the prosecutor, claims that no reversible error occurred in this case as a basis for appeal.

:: Based on this morning's article by Laurin Sellers
-- with John Kennedy at the Orlando Sentinel.
