Monday, November 5


Trolling or Entrapment?

FL State Rep Bob Allen's trial got off to a slow start today when more than half the prospective Brevard County jurists had to be rejected due to their denial of impartiality.

Allen has been accused by a male plainclothed police officer of a lewd solicitation in a public bathroom. The police officer's sexuality has not been questioned, challenged or investigated.

It appears that the officer was located inside a wheelchair-dedicated stall during the incident, ostensibly because there were no paper supplies anywhere else in the facility, although he is not known to be disabled. And he could have been playing his kazoo at the time.

Allen "was raised in the area - near Kennedy Space Center on Florida's Atlantic Coast - and has spent seven years serving it in the Legislature. He is even honored on a plaque at Veteran's Memorial Park... for its funding before his election. His attorney said the lawmaker was there in preparation for a fundraiser."

:: Miami Herald (AP) ::
