Friday, November 2

..... Local Blawg Skirmish .....

If the Writers Guild strike has already left you feeling bereft, a local defense lawyers group may fill that gap, at least in South Florida. But you'd need the proverbial opera program to keep track of the often voluminous cast of characters involved.

The sometimes raucous but occasionally informative jaablog, which has been going through an internal combustion over the past fortnight, is back up.

Some of the latest developments:

  • Craig Esquenazi, one of the founding members of JAAB, has resigned as President of that group.

  • Bill Gelin who was rumored to have been kidnapped, is posting again.

  • And a new spin-off blawg called The Broward Advocate has made its debut... amidst the usual conspiracy theories.
Will CyberBlob, the paranoid Adjudicator, and the
ambiguously gay court reporter et al return as well?

Yeah, we read this stuff (well, sometimes)
so you don't have to... but you can if you want to.
