Thursday, November 29


# In Buried News Today: Dr Rafiq Sabir, 53, of Boca Raton FL was sentenced Wednesday to 25 years in prison. The judge noted that he showed no remorse after his conviction and that there was "no reason to believe that this defendant has abandoned any criminal intentions." [AP]

# Synagogue Shooting Trial: Marc Benayer, who is charged with a synagogue shooting at the Chabad Weltman Synagogue on Rosh Hashana in 2005, suggested that the medical examiner had secretly switched bodies during an autopsy and blurted out that the state is orchestrating a conspiracy against him during his trial on Wednesday. You can continue to follow this trial's progress at the PBPost, if you're interested.

# Although Thursday is the assigned time for writer-detective Jim Born up there in Palm Beach County to post an entry on his group blog, he seems to be mysteriously away today. So... hushhush mushmush... nuttin' today.
