Sunday, November 11


The Bob Allen Case is beginning
to look fishier and fishier every day.

"Can you
hook me up with $20?" Daniel Kavanaugh asked.

After openly admitting in court testimony that he was hooking (aka soliciting or prostituting himself), Daniel Kavanaugh, who looks like a refugee straight off Christopher Street and could easily be mistaken for a member of the Village People, is completely ignored - even though he actually used the word "hook." Instead, the jury convicts Porky, the 300 pound zhlub of hooking.

This simply doesn't make any sense. Surely, there is some explanation for this. Unfortunately, I don't have it. I do, however, have some questions:

Does Daniel Kavanaugh have any connections to any Gay Lobby groups? And did such a group pay him to "hook" for them? Did any Gay Lobby group pay Kavanaugh to bring down this politician who expressed a position on some issue which they oppose?

Daniel Kavanaugh was not supposed to be "hooking" on that fateful day; instead, he had been assigned to chase burglars. Thus, he and his colleagues were dressed in hoodies or some such, just hanging around the park. And the crime they caught Allen at: he was staring at them.

If you don't want people to stare at you, the solution is very simple. Pull your pants up and quit displaying the crack in your ass; and avoid wearing hoodies.

I believe there are some questions that still need to be raised about this case and issues which need further examination.
