Friday, February 22


Tribune Co:
Not the spittoons this week -

Back at the Home Office of our local newspaper, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, some female employees expressed their "concern" about the new owner's coarse language.

There goes 50 years of women's progress in
the American newspaper industry down the toilet!

Dare I mention this?
Many years ago (in the Days of Yore) . . .

some newspaper reporters were virtually illiterate, but the newspapers had a system in place to accommodate that:

The reporter called in his story to someone sitting at a desk in the newsroom who would write up his story. In those days, a college education was not required to be a reporter at a newspaper. And, for the most part, the system worked pretty well.

So, having heard about this "concern," Mr Zell, the new owner, informed them: "we've got to prioritize what we get all pushed out of shape about. ... If we keep operating the way we've been operating, there is no future."
