Friday, October 24


Delayed Today & Here's Why:

I was delayed in blogging today because when I first arrived at Blogger this afternoon to sign in, I received a Security Alert for Bad Certificate at Blogger and declined to proceed.

Here's what the Certificate said:

werd_inc, w--kitchensinks.n0t

I read this Certificate which appeared to be
spoofed with a teenage "mad skillz" hacking style.

And I formed the impression that
this was done for Phishing purposes.

As if all that wasn't enough, I then discovered that the folks at Google/Blogger had removed all interactive ways of notifying them when it appears that Blogger has been hacked.

This is the second time in the past few days
that I have experienced this phenomenon.

While this was happening, I came to learn that Microsoft issued a critical patch and I incorporated it. The process took only a few minutes on dial-up and is almost idiot-proof.

So, we shall now proceed belatedly. . .

But keep your fingers crossed, just in case
more mischief is planned for us.
