Wednesday, November 25

SoFlo: Targeted
For Destruction (3#) -

Two stories that are fatally linked . . .

Over the weekend, my little digital TV "lost" the local PBS channel. When I successfully rescanned, a film title came up on the screen, and I decided to watch the program.

Miami Noir: The Arthur E. Teele Story

If you missed it, but want to watch it, they are going to rebroadcast it on their second feed line, Wednesday morning at 2am on WPBT/Channel 2.2.

Yikes, that's late tonight!

This one-hour documentary was made by two University of Miami film students, Joshua Miller and Sam Rega.

On July 27, 2005, Teele publicly committed suicide in the front reception desk lobby of The Miami Herald newspaper.

Speaking of Cubans and The Miami Herald . . .

I live in the French Quarter of Broward County. Were you to shop in my neighborhood supermarket, some days you might think you were in France because all of the other shoppers around you are speaking French. No one here is at all interested in Cuba. Despite that, The Miami Herald, which is conducting a very nasty war against us, prominently features a very obnoxious Cuban columnist, Myriam Marquez, on the front page of the Broward Local Section every Sunday.

This week, she and her exile friends are angry because:

"The Cuban regime gets to pick
and choose who can travel to Cuba."

Well, that's what sovereign nations do. Sometime a sovereign nation refuses to admit someone and turns them away. The Cuban regime has made it clear many times that they don't want these exiles on their island, but she does not accept that because she and her friends do not accept the regime's sovereignty over that island.

The problem becomes more complex because the exiles here are mostly the descendants of the Spanish colonists and are mostly white, while the majority of the Cuban population on the island is mostly black. Thus, the regime frequently complains that they are being threatened with an invasion from the US to recolonize them. I am convinced that this conflict can never be resolved until every last one of these colonial descendants is dead and gone.

Meanwhile, this woman doesn't belong in our Broward Local Section, and I really wish they'd remove her. You have no idea how irritating and offensive all this is. Of course, I wouldn't dream of muzzling her - I just don't want her in my local neighborhood newspaper section. They can put her in some other section.

Yes, sadly, these two stories are related.
