Saturday, February 13

Tech Notes (7#) -

A lot of chatter on the net lately about . . .

privacy, freedom to communicate,
and the blockage of communications.

As we shift our communications increasingly to telcom and cyberspace, if only due to suburban sprawl, people are becoming more concerned with managing their space and establishing boundaries within which they can feel comfortable and safe.

# 4chan's "moot" addresses the TED
conference and advocates for Anonymity.

# Google's new feature called Buzz seems to have some privacy issues that people have been pointing out. For example: one women has an abusive ex-husband.

# For Free - or is it?
Jo Wade has been examining the
real cost of "free" information at the BBC.

# The VoA, BBC and DW have accused
Iran of jamming their satellite broadcasts.

# How can Iran block Google?

# 22 Bahman from sources inside Tehran.

# White Hat Hacker
"Mudge" is going to work for DARPA.
