Sunday, April 4

Bookish: Bright Sparks (3#) -

song poetry, book picks & more mysteries . . .

The lyrics of popular songs when viewed as poetry may seem to represent the spirit of their time and place in our contemporary era, but they can also form a barometer of people's disaffections. John Harris writes a well-received piece about the sound of the suburbs and how it relates to literary tradition at The Guardian.

# Have you come across any books lately that spur your curiosity or interest? I used to enjoy browsing in bookstores, but when you don't have a bookstore handy, where do you find an array of books that might interest you? Maybe in this lively debate about Book Picks at Wet Asphalt.

# International Mysteries: Scheduled for tonight
is another episode of Maigret called The Open Window.

I watched last Sunday's Wallander, which was pretty good. It included: a cult, a horrific video posted on the Internet, and a gay wedding - a very current mix.

I don't think we get the 9pm broadcast,
but we do get the one at Midnight.
