Friday, July 9

Novack: Through a Maze (2#) -

Locked Room Mysteries ain't what they used to be . . .

In a previous era, hotel rooms had brass keys, but nowadays, many of them have key pass cards. Brass keys may have held some biological identity residue, but little other information. Key pass cards can have other tales to tell.

When this murder case started, the opening hook featured Ben Novack's Batman memorabilia. Implicit in the media coverage was the suspicion that an envious collector who was after Novack's memorabilia may have plotted to get Novack out of the way in order to enhance his own collection.

But somewhere along the way,
this story took a turn toward the Noir-ish.

His widow Narcy, a onetime stripper, and her brother are now charged in connection to the hotel scion's death. Two other men were also indicted.

The investigation "took detectives through a maze of cellphone records, computer hard drives, credit card and bank accounts, witnesses' statements and video images."

:: Julie Brown :: at the MiamiHerald ::

:: Robert Nolan :: at the SunSentinel ::
