Thursday, February 10

Mez: Slasher Movie Fallout -

It's very unusual to see a case on TV
that's been "ripped from the headlines." True or false?

In reality, it's quite common. The long-running TV series Law and Order does it frequently. But we don't hear about a lot of people suing them successfully over it. Surely, that must mean they're doing something right.

On the other hand, Executive Producer Craig Piligian, the man behind The Perugia Slasher movie destined for Lifetime Cable TV, is getting a lot of flack for his project.

Could it be that Piligian has not gone
about this project as adroitly as he might have?

Michael Schneider interviews Piligian, who claims he's made a few minor adjustments in his "marketing" approach for this movie in response to the firestorm of criticism he has faced lately.

But he still has not justified the necessity
of the urgent rush to present it so soon. [tvguide]

#Esther Weon writes
a thoughtful Op Ed piece at Neon Tommy.
