Tuesday, March 22

The Cupcake Squad Blinks -

They are a Real Life version of Charlie's Angels:
The Police Women of Broward County FL.

And they are a Reality TV Show on TLC Cable . . .

They've got their own local franchise of COPS: Bad Boys, Bad Boys, the syndicated Reality TV series that follows police officers around while they're on the job. But trouble has been brewing with the Amazon Thespian Team.

A producer is expected to be a magician who can make things happen on your TV screen; but, if the producer doesn't get a signature on the release form, that video footage cannot be broadcast.

One producer of the TLC cable network series got caught applying lawyer Roy Cohn's advice, and it backfired on him. Cohn cynically advised: If all else fails, and nothing else works, try bribing them.

Some people might be persuaded to cooperate and sign a release for a little green in between. Nevertheless, there are those holdouts who still won't flip, even for money. And some who won't appreciate being pressured. It's a complicated situation.

Bottom line: one producer was fired.
