Bin Drinkin' too much
energy juice today, Mr Dubois?
It kinda sorta looks that way . . .
Mischief-makers LulzSec raiders have been on a spree lately, invading other people's computer game worlds and now, the public access front page of the CIA. Although they claim they are taking hack requests, they have also admitted on their Twitter page that they are redirecting some of that phone traffic to World of Warcraft customer support. Oy, what a headache for WoW!
This group, which seemed to have emerged from 4Chan's bastard child Anonymous, has been factionalizing into internecine rivalries, thrashing others as "moral fags" when the target damage threatens to become too serious, which may be why Hactivists did not follow through on their Iran Op advance promotion.
I hope we don't have occasion to eventually discover that they are actually a bunch of very bored middle-aged male CIA agents who usually pose as lesbian bloggers in their spare time.
Better get off that energy drink stuff, Mr Dubois! I hear that too much of it can lower your sperm count and cause massive hair loss.
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