Monday, May 14

Sanford: Partial Info Released -

An 8-page preview of Discovery Material was released by the Special Prosecutor just before the end of the day.

They have new video evidence from the clubhouse on the grounds of the private estate, but it is not near the location where the shooting occurred. They are bringing in a lot of telephonic evidence, but we don't know yet whether they have included Twitter account activities as part of the telephonics. The autopsy report for the teenager is part of the package.

Media Wolf Pack: The Orlando Sentinel, The New York Times, NBC, CBS, CNN and more than a half dozen other news organizations are expected to try to prevent the protective shielding of the witnesses. They just want to sex up the story by getting a few of the witnesses killed so they can increase their advertising revenue.

:: Story by Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner

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Neighborhood Watch - Program in Force:

We report all suspicious persons &
activities to the Sanford Police Department.

Placed above a story by Caryn Freeman is a photo which shows the large sign, prominently displayed, in front of the gate of the Retreat at Twin Lakes.

For the benefit of those who can't read English, there is a large graphic eye illustrating the surveillance message.

There is another sign on the gate which we can't read. Perhaps, it advises that the estate is private property.

But, thus far, we have seen no indication that the teenager Trayvon Martin had any awareness that he was a guest on someone else's private property.

Has the MSM covered this aspect of the story?
