Tuesday, November 16

Mon/Tues - Nov 16 -


* ... residents who stayed on through last week's offensive were emerging and telling harrowing tales of the brutality they endured.

Flyposters still litter the walls bearing all manner of decrees from insurgent commanders, to be heeded on pain of death...

Another poster in the ruins of the souk bears testament to the strict brand of Sunni Islam imposed by the council, fronted by hardline cleric Abdullah Junabi.*

:: Times Online - Fallujah ::

*From this city, they have terrorised the local population and spread murder across the country. They have blown up women and children and executed in cold blood fellow Iraqis trying to end the lawlessness in our country...

The people of Falluja do not support these men of violence. They want rid of them and have been pleading for the interim government to free them... *

By Dr Barham Salih,
deputy prime minister of Iraq

:: From The UK Guardian ::
