Monday, January 10

S/Mon - Jan 10 -


Gonzo Linguistics Prof Jeffrey in Queens is going to try to continue blogging until the Iraqi elections and then he'll have to put his blog on hiatus due to his academic responsibilities. He expects to resume blogging during the Summer of '05-- Gd willing, we should all live so long.

Meanwhile, he has enjoyed Actual Human Voice Exchange with Majid Jarrar:

*Majid Jarrar is traveling in the United States right now while on his winter break from Pearson College in Canada. We exchanged a couple emails and phone numbers and then last night, while he was in Manhattan and I was in Queens, we were able to talk on the phone for around an hour...

...Haider, Hamza, and Walid -- starting getting death threats.*

I'm really sorry to learn about this.

:: From Fri - Jan 7th Blog Entry ::
-- Iraqi Bloggers Central PERMA-LINK --
