Wednesday, July 26

We Jul 26 -

Media: AILES

Glenn Garvin at the Miami Herald has an interview with Roger Ailes who is the dramaturge behind the Fox News Network. Ailes' main attribute seems to be: keeping his shows peppy.

So, what's Ailes flogging today?

*Ailes announced he will syndicate a morning news show throughout the broadcast television world starting in January.

The show features Fox News hosts Mike Jerrick and Juliet Huddy, originally developed for the 35 broadcast stations owned and operated by Fox, it will also be sold to other stations, Ailes said.*

+ I had cable TV service at the last place I resided which included CNN and Fox for several months. I found it interesting, but do not currently subscribe. I strongly prefer the Internet. I wasn't a fan of those two hosts. But if you're into peppy, knock yourself out.

:: MHerald ::

* * * * *
And nice feature story
by Mike Spector about
JP Borda and his website
Milblogging :: At WSJ ::

+ Both via memeorandum.
