Wednesday, July 5

We Jul 5 -


# Nir Boms wants U.S. government officials to put more official pressure on the Egyptian government to stop thwarting progress in democratic reform.

Egypt is a separate sovereign state; there's only so much we can do without seeming to interfere in their internal affairs. ::WaT::

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# Arnaud de Borchgrave describes the Afghan situation with the Taliban, how Pakistan is related, and the long-term commitment it requires. He includes some of General McCaffrey's expert observations and assessments. ::WaT::

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# Claude Salhani skates across the slippery slopes of the wadi from Petra to Gaza while ignoring the crux of the current problem: the factionalized governance of the Palistinians.

How long could a commercial corporation like S*ny or N*ke continue to exist with this kind of factionalism governing it? If they don't get their act together, the PA may end up like Enron in the Dustbin of History. :: WaT::
