Wednesday, July 5

We Jul 5 -

WANTED: The Iraq 41 - Bassem Mroue of AP gives a rundown of the "41 Most Wanted" fugitives issued by the current Iraqi government and gives some information about who and what these people are. A lot of them are connected to the former Ba'athist regime and are believed to be fueling the violent "insurgency."

Not surprisingly, Izzy the Redhead is at the top of the list.

ALSO WANTED - The people of Samarra have put out a BOLO for Haitham al-Badri on charges of Armed Robbery, Carjacking and the Premeditated Murder of the Sheikh of the al-Bo Baz tribe.

P.S. There's a Golden Dome missing for which he is believed to have primary responsibility. Reward involved.

:: OMAR/ITM perma ::

+ NB: Blogger has been somewhat slow and sticky yesterday and again today. Is there a cyber meltdown looming on our horizon in the near future? Let's hope not.
