Sunday, September 17

Su Sept 17 -


Pope Benedict's "remarks on Islam
have sparked violence and anger."

:: Pope vs Prophet ::
-- John Cornwell, UKTimes --

I don't think the demonstrated violence and anger are spontaneous. I believe they were orchestrated like Street Theater demonstrations which are put out on the street by leaders of activist groups. Originally, it seemed the "reaction" was conjured up to eclipse the forced public conversion to Islam at gunpoint of the two Fox reporters and the recent Al Qaeda videotape warning to Christians that they must convert, submit or die. In any case, I don't think this was a genuine reaction to the Pope's remarks, since a very large percentage of the Moslem world is illiterate. Rather, it appeared to be one of those knee-jerk triggers for the seemingly perpetual Moslem "streetrage" which is always roiling just under the surface and occasionally emerges.

Despite my suspicions, some of the threats which have emerged are worrisome. For example:

...last week Al-Qaeda-linked websites were indeed targeting the Vatican. One carries an image of the black flag of Islam flying over the apostolic palace, the Pope’s residence. A message posted by a senior Al-Qaeda figure said: "We are certain that the infidelity and tyranny of the Pope will only be stopped by a major attack."

The UK Times editorial wisely cautions against submitting to outside crackpots' censorship:

The Vatican has said he is very sorry his speech caused such offence to Muslims. That is fine but it should not go further than that. He should certainly not be pushed into withdrawing his remarks. As in the case of the Danish cartoons, Muslim zealots are trying to impose their restrictions of free expression on the West. Mindful as we should be of religious sensitivities, that cannot be allowed to happen.

In the end it is not possible mollify crackpots because they are prosecuting their own independent agendas, regardless of whatever the RC Pope may say, which they can merely use as a figleaf to redirect the rage of their own oppressed populations.