Friday, November 9

In the Press This Morning -

# Jury visits park. Susanne Cervenko's account of the visit, timestamped late last night at 1:21am. Also includes some of PO Kavanaugh under cross.

# AP report by Travis Reed, timestamped early this morning at 6:29am. Describes park visit and some PO under cross. The Ledger is part of the NY Times syndicate.

# Laurin Sellers' account of the jury's visit to the park and its restroom with some related testimony by the arresting PO.

*The prosecution is expected to rest its case early today. Eisenmenger would not say Thursday whether he plans to call Allen or any other witnesses to the stand.*

# CFTV gives us a moderately detailed account of the jury's field trip to Space View Park yesterday afternoon. Timestamped 11:37pm last night and still up.
