Thursday, November 8

BOB ALLEN CASE ... Thurs Recap (6#) -

# From Susanne Cervenko
at FL-Today - in (Reverse) Blogging Order:

Cross-examination of PO Kavanaugh in the morning; then jury went on a field trip to the Park and its restroom. Last entry timestamped at 4:53pm.

# AP wire service report by Travis Reed.

Other Reports:

# ::CFNews:: - covers morning cross.

# Local6/Orlando TVNews -

:: Early Report - logistics of the restroom.
:: Later Report - covers cross and jury field trip.

# ::WESH-TV:: - a brief recap of the day's proceedings, including a remark by Eisenmenger noting that much of the police testimony didn't seem to correspond very well to the physical facts on the ground, making the Prosecution's case seem rather shaky so far.

+ I expect there may yet be a late report filed by Laurin Sellers from the O-Sentinel covering the day's events. If so, I'll try to catch up with it.
