Wednesday, November 14

KHYBER PASS: Area Update (multi links) -

# The Pakistani Army has taken over
command in Swat from the Frontier Corps.

# They have brought in helicopter gunships. Their target Tuesday, according to this report, was the area around the village of Sambit where militant followers of Maulana Fazlullah have established positions.

# Authorities have imposed an all-night curfew in the North West Frontier Province where the Pakistani Army has been battling an insurrection loyal to Maulana Fazlullah, a pro-Taliban cleric.

# The militants have now taken over Alpuri, the District HQ of Shangla Tuesday night. It is located adjacent to Swat. And a grassroots report.

# PESHAWAR (APP): One person was killed when an explosive device went off inside an Internet cafe in the densely populated Gulbahar area Tuesday afternoon, police said... The explosion is the second of its nature in Gulbahar during last 48 hours. This bomb exploded around 2:30pm in the Nihar Net Cafe near the Gulbahar Police Station.

# Notable Op-Ed by
Haider Mullick (Brookings)
Clear and present danger

# From Letters to the Editor:

Governor hunting trip!!!!!!!!!!
I was shocked to read this news
item that NWFP Governor is on
hunting trip in Sindh Province...

+ Yeah, so was I.
An expatriate reader emails from where he is stewing in New York, and there is steam coming out of his ears. Great letter! Don't miss it.
