Friday, November 23


Here's a bit of Good News
from the NWFP for a change . . .

*The officials also said that the military’s signal corps had blocked Maulana Fazlullah’s FM radio and the militants in control of Fazlullah madressah on the banks of River Swat had pulled down their antenna.

The military has set up five of their own FM channels, including one using Fazlullah’s radio frequency to block the cleric’s broadcasts.*

Now that most of the residents have evacuated, the PK Army has also established some checkpoints and a resupply blockade to soften up the rebels in anticipation of a major assault.

+ You know, the silencing of this radio station seems too good to be true. These rebel radio stations can be very hard to get rid of. Maybe a declaration of victory in this regard would be a bit premature. And, by the way, if anything spells "cult," it's surrounding people in a valley and then pummeling them with indoctrination and propaganda - remember Jim Jones? He isolated a bunch of people in the jungle and then set up a public address system of loudspeakers to surround them with indoctrination broadcasts.
