And kitchesinksn0t goombye!
Good news for those
who've had an itch to design their own laptops . . .
Intel and Asus are soliciting your ideas for features and qualities you'd like to have. The two companies have set up a website where you can describe your "dream pc" to them.
* * * * * *
Many of us recently had problems because of a hacker who somehow found a cyber highway intersection where several large companies converge, resulting in heavy traffic.
The Internapper went into high gear over this past weekend and created much havoc. His concept, apparently, was that he was kidnapping surfers from off that intersection. Hence: Internapper. Get it?
I believe they've finally removed him and
may be cleaning up the debris he left behind.
The BBC just ran an article which may be cogent.
:: CNet-Dream :: --- :: BBC: Teen Hackers ::