Out There & Floating Around . . .
Linda Moulton Howe was on C2C last night, reporting some new sightings of strange craft, including a contribution from a group of Texas police officers.
# Annual News Corrections Roundup.
# A Boston startup called GlobalPost is going to take a new approach to overseas reporting, Adam Reilly reveals at The Phoenix. It is set to launch January 12th.
# Paul Gillin asks: "And finally, why aren’t there any female newspaper pundits? Suggestions are welcome."
1) It's because of the spittoons. (classic)
2) There already is one: Ellen Goodman. (you're a pest)
3) The Marketing Guys decide. (not our responsibility)
# Empty Chair Interview:
Newspaper CEO gets 140% raise;
Alan Mutter has just a few questions.
"Not everyone in the newspaper business is suffering equally through the most difficult time in the industry’s history. Robert W. Decherd, for one, is doing pretty well."
+ Priceless!!! LOL