Thursday, January 1


Meredith Kercher Murder Case -

Nick Pisa reports that Amanda Knox, who allegedly murdered her roommate by pushing a knife through her neck, has been voted "the highest rated woman in an Italian end of year TV personality poll."

It is still unknown whether Knox drank any of Kercher's blood, but a vampire book was found by police on the bedside table next to where Knox and her lover slept. Probably, just a coincidence. Spaghetti vampires: beautiful but deadly. And very popular in Italy.

Not to be out-fanged by Studio Aperto, Newsweek's Barbie Nadeau previews the upcoming trial which is expected to be a Foxy Fang Frenzy at least equal to the OJ Simpson trial in media coverage, according to Nadeau.

:: Nick Pisa :: - - - :: Barbie Nadeau ::
