Wednesday, September 30

Bookish: Unexpected Moves (3#) -

Could Sherlock Holmes
have travelled to India?

Yes, it's possible. In another delightful column, Zac O'Yeah reminds us that there were "missing years after Holmes fell off a Swiss mountain." Although Holmes claimed that he spent two years in Tibet, that may have been a casual over-simplification.

:: And thereby hangs a tale . . .

# Celebrate Your Freedom
To Read - It's Banned Books Week -

:: David Shenk :: "When I was 10, my eye caught a curious title on my school library shelves. It was A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle... Later, I learned that this splendid piece of literature has often been banned because its ideas about witchcraft may be too powerful for an impressionable child's mind."

:: Book Patrol :: Elsewhere ::
