Thursday, October 1

Media Scan (7#) -

The Tribune Co, parent of the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel newspaper, has told Bankruptcy Judge Kevin Carey the company needs to disburse $70 million in bonuses to its top managers in order to motivate them.

# Paul Gillin reports that Bob Garfield from NPR's On The Media radio program has just had a new book published called The Chaos Scenario, which Gillin reviews with a big Thumbs-Up and says is a lot of fun.

# Speaking of NPR, Romenesko reports that a listener challenged Scott Simon's annual salary of $300,648. The ombud responded.

# Print is Undead: How NYC's 7 newspapers
are (nearly) surviving by Graham Rayman

:: Print Link Alert! :: Village Voice ::

# India now has more daily
newspapers than any other country.
