Monday, November 9

The Destiny of 9 November (4#) -

Feeling torn between the broken glass and
the broken wall? You shouldn't have to . . .

Another file for the Life Can Be Complicated folder -

One can't help feeling appalled at the success this project has enjoyed: the replacement of a somber day of solemn commemoration of Kristallnacht with a rollicking celebration of freedom from the Berlin Wall.

But the Germans were not the victims in this matter; they were the perpetrators, the criminals, and the predators. Not all Germans forever, of course. It was some Germans and some Austrians from a past generation. I am not anti-German and have participated in Reconciliation projects.

This is not how today's anniversary was planned. The celebration of the East Germans' freedom was supposed to be held on German Unity Day which is October 3rd, but the Revisionists have gotten the upper hand in the effort to obliterate the commemoration of Kristallnacht.

What needs to be done? The commemorations need to be separated again, with October 3rd restored to celebrate the East Germans' freedom.

Regardless of the bicker, today is a good moment to pause and reflect a bit on this episode of History - and maybe some of the current brash attempts to manipulate it.

:: A Fateful Date :: by Christopher Lawton at Spiegel: Putting November 9th in perpective; a closer look at three events which occurred on this fateful date before 1989.

:: Berlin Wall Celebrations ::

:: Kristallnacht :: - - - :: German Unity Day ::
