Sunday, November 1

SoFlo: Bookish Notes (4#) -

It was a dark and stormy night . . .

Got a juicy story or a cracking good yarn?

All you need is a writing implement in good condition and the seat of your pants applied to the seat of your chair in front of it, because it's that time of year again: National Novel Writing Month. And Broward County's epicenter for "30 days and nights of literary abandon" is Node 193.

Unfortunately, my laptop still has a partially-disabled keyboard which I still have to bring back in to the tech shop to get fixed; so, although I've had a couple of stories percolating on my back burner this past year, they'll have to wait.

Even if you're not going to participate this year, you might want to read up on it for some time in the future. They've got message boards and meetups and lots more over there:

:: Local NaNoWriMo ::

# The Miami Book Fair is coming up soon: November 8-15th. A brief note appeared in today's Miami Herald informing us that there is an "Urban Noir" panel planned for Sunday, Nov 15th. Sounds intriguing.

:: Here is the Book Fair's Twitter handle.

:: FBR is promising to live-blog.

:: And a Surprise Discovery:
Chauncey Mabe's new pit stop: Open Page Blog.
