Sunday, November 14

Crackpot Entertainment (3#) -

Do you recognize this Spieler?

Although I don't listen to Glenn Beck on the radio and I don't get Cable TV, lately, I've been reading a lot about his recent antics demonizing George Soros. And his reported behavior is making me very unhappy.

My impressions about the controversy are secondhand, of course. Michael Wolraich has written a seemingly good analysis of it. From it this excerpt:

"And then there's the story. There is also why? Why is the story? Why is the show happening? What is the puppet master? What is his motivation? Is it for the money? Is it for entertainment? Is it personal gain? What is it?"

Why, it's Doctor Mabuse all over again!

"The title, Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler, is plurivalent. It can be translated as the gambler, but in German, Spieler also has the meaning of player, actor, or puppeteer. Dr. Mabuse who disguises, plays with emotions and manipulates other people, is probably all four of them."

Don't people have anything better to do than sit there like a sponge and absorb all these crackpot fairytales? This is a Doctor Mabuse spiffed up for a younger generation. Go watch the original - it's much better than Glenn Beck's version of it.
