Friday, April 29

Mez: MIP To The Max (3#) -

CNN premieres its one-hour biopic about Amanda Knox on Sunday, May 8th at 8:00pm ET, featuring Drew Griffin.

Pardon my cynicism but I don't have high hopes for its honesty and accuracy.

American Mainstream Media Organizations have to devise a story line that will attract the largest number of viewers and the maximum commercial advertising revenue.

"Admitted Nazi is convicted
of killing her colored roommate."

How many viewers and how many TV commercials would they attract with this? Which companies would like to be associated in the Public's memory with this?

U.S. Mainstream News
simply cannot afford to be honest.

Odds are, it's going to be another Maiden in Peril . . .

# The CPJ has posted a response to critics of its
approach to The Murder of Meredith Kercher Case.

"Frank is under a lot of pressure."

Frank, a local blogger in Perugia, may indeed feel stressed, but we still don't know which laws, if any, he is being charged with violating. Or is this just a publicity stunt?

I hope it isn't a medical problem: Is Frank worried that the Pope has planted transmitters in his brain so The Office of The Inquisition can monitor his thoughts about this case?

That could cause a lot of stress, too. [CPJ]
